- Unix Operation System Analysis ? unix操作系统分析
- Soft ware platform is UNIX operation system and ORACLE data base. 软件平台采用UNIX操作系统和ORACLE数据库。
- Linux is modelled on the Unix operating system. Linux是以Unix作业系统为原型。
- Using Verilog and C language implement the layered architecture on UNIX operation system. 作为对提出的体系结构的实践,在UNIX平台下,用Verilog和C实现了该体系,并应用于MCU的功能验证中;
- Whole system run on UNIX operation system, Web service run on BEA Weblogic Platform. 整个系统运行在UNIX操作系统上,Web服务在BEA Weblogic Platform上运行。
- The Unix operating system is scalable, reliable and performs well. unix操作系统可扩缩、可靠、性能也好。
- The Unix operating system is scalable,reliable and performs well. Unix操作系统可扩缩、可靠、性能也好。
- These patches require a reboot of the Unix operating system. 这些补丁要求重新启动Unix操作系统。
- In the engineering project, the author developed an IP Qualification Platform based on UNIX operation system with perl language. 在实际项目中,使用perl语言构建了基于UNIX系统的IP质量评估平台。
- The platform have been constructed on the midware(TongLINK/TongEAsy), the Informix database systems and UNIX operation systems. 平台中的大量数据采用Informix数据库管理,通讯方面应用目前国内中间件软件公司TongTech.;ltd的相应的产品TongLINK/TongEASY来保证通讯和交易完整性。
- The installation instructions depend on which UNIX operating system you are using. 安装说明取决于所使用的UNIX操作系统。
- In this dissertation the integrated and privilege-role extended UNIX operating system security model, which is based on the BLP model, is discussed. 在对BLP模型进行分析的基础上,提出了以BLP模型为基础的完整性和特权角色扩展的UNIX操作系统安全模型。
- This paper describes the DDL and its implementation in a DBMS under the support of UNIX Operating System. 本文描述一个在UNIX操作系统支持下的DBMS数据描述语言及其实现。
- My present job is to monitor and maintain oracle database and UNIX operating system. 我目前的工作是对oracle数据库和UNIX操作系统进行监控和维护。
- This thesis is about the network management of UNIX operating system workstations with NIS and NFS. 本文主要讨论用NIS技术和NFS技术,对UNIX操作系统工作站进行管理的方法。
- In the posterior phases, Unix operating system, Oracle or DB2 level database software were recommended. 在后期建议使用Unix类的操作系统,Oracle或者DB2数据库软件。
- Until the recent explosion of public interest in the Internet,the vast majority of the computers on the Net use the Unix operating system. 近来公众对Internet产生了极大的兴趣,在这之前,绝大多数网上计算机都使用Unix操作系统。
- First introduced into the 4.2 BSD UNIX operating system, the Sockets API is now a standard feature of any operating system. 在4.;2 BSD UNIX操作系统中首次引入;Sockets API现在是任何操作系统的标准特性。
- Cst 240.Operating Systems.This course covers concepts in operating systems analysis and design. 操作系统该课程涵盖了操作系统的分析和设计的概念。
- For the UNIX operating system, the active environment will be derived from locale setting including language, territory, and code set. 对于UNIX操作系统,将从地区设置推导出环境,包括语言、区域和编码集。